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Seament Holding is a fast growing cementitious products group, offering quality goods and services around the world since the 1950's.

Our manufacturing expertise, unique floating terminals, versatile distribution systems and consistent standards have made us the world’s foremost independent cement group and provider of the most efficient solution to a cement crisis.



Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How to Help your Business Grow in Any Economy

Seament has become a global leader in its industry. More than that, they have staying power. The company has learned many hard-won lessons over the years, including how to weather a dry spell or a down economy. Here are four ways for businesses to keep growing no matter what the economy is doing:

1.  Set the groundwork during the boom times – In a struggling economy, there's nothing you'll want more than a new client, a new contract or a new lead. Unfortunately, those are the worst times to prospect (not that you shouldn't try). Ideally, you should lay the groundwork long before you have a dry spell, during the boom times. Wise companies know that even when you have record numbers of clients, you should still be putting just as much effort into outreach, advertising, and prospecting. By lining up clients early, you'll be in better shape during slumps and, ideally, slumps will barely be slumps at all.

2.  Say "Yes" – Seament began as a small family business. Every small business knows that there are times when you should just say "yes" to a deal, even if it's less money than you had hoped for. Unfortunately, many larger companies forget this lesson and leave money on the table. Remember, even a project with a smaller profit margin is better than none at all. Today, Seament is still family-owned but is a successful multinational company, thanks in large part to hard work and compromise when times were lean.

3.  Never expand recklessly – One mistake that newer companies make as their business starts to grow is to immediately hire more staff and invest in more facilities or equipment. This isn't always wise. Look at both sides of your balance sheet: Do you have business loans to pay off? How much is in the bank for the future? If you lost clients tomorrow, would you still need all the new staff you're thinking of hiring? Being the most stable mid-sized company is often better than being the most precarious large company. When you're starting to grow, invest carefully at first and consider temporary or contract based workers before hiring new full-time positions. That way, you won't have to turn around and lay off staff at the next downturn.

4.  Always put the customers first – If there's one thing that pays off in any economy, it is customer loyalty. In any and every transaction, think about what is going to make the customer happiest long-term. Sometimes, you might have to throw in an extra service for free, spend more time on a project than you expected, or even rush to make amends over something that wasn't really your company's fault—but by doing right by the customer's expectations, your reputation (and your bank account) will be made of gold.

What are your tips for keeping a company growing?


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

3 Ways that Seament Gives Back

It's always good to hear of a company that gives back. If it weren't for the community and loyal customers, a company could never succeed. Seament knows this, and as a thank you to their loyal customers and community, they like to give back whenever possible. There is no shortage in ways that Seament gives back, but three of their favorite ways include through scholarships, solving cement shortages, and giving to charities. Allow us to explain.

1.  Seament offers scholarships – Did you know that Seament has previously offered scholarships to aspiring college students? They like to give back to underprivileged kids, especially those in developing countries like Nigeria and Lebanon. These individuals may not have had the opportunity to receive a proper education if it weren't for this financial assistance. Seament believes that everyone should have the right to a proper education. After all, our college students are our future leaders. Seament takes pride in helping to build leaders across the globe.

2.  Seament has helped to solve cement shortages – One of the things that sets Seament apart from other companies is their ability to create unique solutions in the fields of manufacturing and cement production. They always remain educated and informed on various issues and problems related to the world's cement supply and are constantly on the lookout for solutions. Their commitment to combatting cement shortages has helped them to supply more than 60 countries during times of crisis.
3.  Seament is a charitable company – Seament is a very charitable and generous company. They are always looking for ways to give back, whether it be through offering solutions to cement shortages, giving monetary donations, or donating their time. Seament has worked to create schools in both Nigeria and Lebanon. They have also donated money to the Red Cross in Lebanon and Albania to help improve their medical care.

When you choose to support Seament and their services, you are helping more than just a cement company. Through their generosity in offering scholarships, creating solutions to global crisis situations, and donating time and money to various organizations, Seament has proven to be a company worth following.  Seament believes that giving back to the community is the least they can do, since it is the community that has driven them to success. Without their love and support, Seament could never exist. In the future, Seament hopes to give back more and offer more incentives and help to those in need.


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