Eco-friendly Business
There are some businessmen who don't seem to care much about
the environment. They don’t think about
the possible environmental affects their business decisions can have and don't
see the important role they play in society.
Business men are in an advantageous position in society; they have the charisma,
power, and money to make a substantial impact on society. It's so important for businessmen to get
involved in environmental causes, and luckily some businessmen have decided to
work together to make a positive environmental impact. Businessmen like Alexander F.
Bouri, Gregory S. Garvey, and Dick Stalenhoef have come together to form
Envipco, the global company that's going to change the face of both business
and environmental activism.
A Fundamental Change
Envipco isn't your traditional company, it's run by a
network of partners from around the world and they hope to do away with the
current consumption model modern society has.
In the past many people consumed raw materials rampantly without much
concern for the environment or sustainability.
Since concern for the environment and the sustainability of our
resources has grown, much of modern society follows a "consume and recycle"
method. Society still consumes a lot of
material, but they make an effort to recycle some of what they use. This current consumption model is an
improvement over the previous one, but there is still literal tons of recyclable
material that ends up in landfills around the world.
Envipco won't be following the current common consumption
model of consuming and recycling. They
hope to start a "use and reuse" consumption model that emphasizes the
importance of recycling and repurposing raw materials. The use and reuse model is better for the
environment, and also benefits businesses by giving them high quality and
inexpensive recyclable materials to use.
Envipco is partnering with the retail industry, beverage industry, bottle
manufactures, and other industries in order to spread their sustainable
consumption models to other businesses.
When Envipco's use and reuse consumption model becomes the norm, people
will be living in a greener and much more sustainable society.
Labels: Alexander F Bouri, Envipco
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