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Seament Holding is a fast growing cementitious products group, offering quality goods and services around the world since the 1950's.

Our manufacturing expertise, unique floating terminals, versatile distribution systems and consistent standards have made us the world’s foremost independent cement group and provider of the most efficient solution to a cement crisis.



Friday, November 30, 2012

Holcim to Build New Cement Plant

Few industries endure quite as much of a rollercoaster ride of success as the cement industry. Some of its most lucrative global fiscal years are immediately met by utter stagnation, and the market is so temperamental that the most nominal of factors could affect it. For example, there was an intense cement shortage crisis spanning across several countries that was solved in an astounding ninety days when Alexander Bouri forged the floating cement terminal which allowed for more accessible bulk shipment. Now, despite the seemingly persistent dip in cement sales as of late, some $300 million is being invested in a new manufacturing plant by Holcim Phillippines, Inc. 

It was said by the Chief Operating Officer of Holcim that the demand for cement was sustainably profound on account of the government's recent budgeting and implementation of building projects. To date this year, growth of the industry is said to be at 20%. Despite a few setbacks, Operating Officer Roland van Wijnen still maintains his confidence that the company will grow at a momentous pace – at least reaching a double-digit percentage increase.

He maintains that the economic climate appears promising and thinks that, paired with his latest project, Holcim and the cement industry at large will have a consistent growth well into the next year. After all, the biggest challenge has been to meet demands, and with a new plant in town, the industry is facing this challenge head-on with his proposal for the new plant. The proposal states that the plant, which is to be built in Bulacan, will produce about two million tons annually, boosting the production ability of the entire firm to some 9.5 million annual tons upon completion, which is estimated to be in 2016. 

Along with other global economic factors, such as the gradual slow of the United States recession, it seems that the cement sector is ready to get its head back into the game.


At February 18, 2013 at 6:13 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

For example, there was an intense cement shortage crisis spanning across several countries that was solved in Cement Cladding an astounding ninety days when Alexander Bouri forged the floating cement terminal which allowed for more accessible bulk shipment.


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